FTX Collapse is Exposing the Corrupt Deep State & Its Interest in Propping Up Zelensky
Is Ukraine the Epicenter of High-Level Money Laundering?
Remember when Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff made a trip to Ukraine in May 2022? I do, not only because Ms. Pelosi puzzles me with her odd hand gestures and constant licking of her dentures, or because she ripped up President Trump’s State of the Union speech in front of millions and compared Zelensky to Saint Patrick in a poem (calling a devil a true Christian saint gets the attention of a pastor), but mainly because she had no power to resolve the conflict there. Her mission was not announced. She had no reason to be there. Nobody sent her. Why was the highest-ranking member of the US House of Representatives meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky. Why?
They had some things to say off record. What was whispered in those private European rooms?
Now that the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX has connected many globalists from the USA, Ukraine and World Economic Forum (WEF) together, we can start to make sense of their meeting. It’s only a theory, but it’s plausible one given the evidence we have: they were possibly there to discuss how to launder some US military aid and transfer them via FTX to the mid-term coffers.
Whoever planned it, $50 million was shifted by Sam Bankan-Fried to the Democratic campaigns and the strategy worked. Democrats won control of the Senate in the 2022 mid-term election. They added, among others, the least qualified, most incoherent Democrat candidate John Fetterman of Pennsylvania as a freshman US Senator.
Why should Christians care?
Mainly because our God cares about high-level conspiracies. He recorded them (foretold them) in Psalm 2.
2 “The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
God told us that world leaders in the last day will mock God, so He will mock them. They will show contempt for His laws (killing babies, dishonouring father and mother, etc), so He will hold them in contempt and show them who’s the true Leader of the earth—His Son Jesus Christ!
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
6 “Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”
7 “I will declare the decree:
The Lord has said to Me,
‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
6 Speculations
Since we are to care about corruption in high places, let’s start with facts we know: High-ranking members of Congress had something to say off-the-record with Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky—the man who once got standing ovations in Parliaments across the world, the now proven liar who tried to start World War 3 by claiming Russia bombed Poland when in fact it was Ukrainians who “accidentally” did it and killed two Polish citizens.
What else we know: Biden lost his temper with Zelensky during a phone call in June, immediately after Pelosi’s visit. And Sam Bankman-Fried became the second biggest donor to the Democratic Party, after George Soros. So here’s my speculation:
1. Imagine how much dirt Zelensky has on the Democrats.
2. Any secret Zelensky has on them compromises them, and that by definition makes them a national security risk.
The House of Representatives should now investigate all who received large donations from FTX. Stolen money should be clawed back and given to the victims—the investors, not kept by politicians. FTX is no ordinary case; it represents the single biggest one-day loss in US financial history.
3. A meeting on how to enrich the Democrats through FTX may explain why Zelensky is so brazen in demanding billions more from Biden.
Zelensky continues to make monstrous claims on the world for money and weapons and the legacy media protects him (up to the date of this article). Normal people do not have the gall. Why would Biden, who was reportedly upset during a phone call with Zelensky, meekly agree to the most recent demand for another $37 BILLION?
4. Putin is right to play the slow game.
PSALM 34:21 (NIV) says, “Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned.”
Evil eventually consumes evil because they collect so much dirt on each other, it’s too tempting not to leverage off the dirt, tighten the noose and get greedy. Zelensky appears to be getting greedy.
By contrast, Putin who also has everybody’s secrets is no Zelensky. He has played his cards close to his chest. The most he’s let out recently was that he didn’t sabotage his own Nordstream pipelines; he told the world the UK did it.
It takes a lot of self-control for someone to have so much information and not use it. Most people would. Putin assumes Zelensky would. Evil will consume itself. As Psalm 34 says, the foes of the righteous will be condemned. Let the righteous believe it and watch it come to pass.
5. My prediction: Eventually the US career politicians will cut him loose as a liability.
It wouldn’t be the first time America turned on former friends. Dictators whom America installed in the past got too proud, thinking they could leverage off secrets. American Elites have shown a distaste for this: they won’t put up with small-timers blackmailing them.
Either Zelensky will have to turn to Russia and offer peace on Russian terms, or the US will set him up for a fall (the “derision” of verse 4, followed by the “distress” of verse 5). How the Republican-controlled House pursues the FTX case may determine who gets ratted out first. If the latter scenario unfolds, Zelensky will be in the Russian authority’s hands, no more a hero in anybody’s eyes.
This was my original perspective from Day 1 of the conflict: Jesus is the hero and anyone not on His side is going to be found on the losing side. So I was reluctant to jump on the blue and yellow bandwagon, like too many impulsive Christian leaders did. Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” (Luke 11:23 NKJV)
If Pelosi’s visit to Ukraine in May opened up a can of worms, imagine what revelations could come next from Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan!
On 2 August 2022, Nancy Pelosi made a surprise visit to Taiwan with 5 other Democrats: Gregory Meeks (D-NY), Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), Suzan DelBene (D-WA), Andy Kim (D-NJ) and Mark Takano (D-CA).
Taiwan is of strategic importance to the US vis-à-vis peace in the Pacific, but again her presence wasn’t necessary or helpful. Surely Ms Pelosi knew that her trip was provocative and would instigate unpredictable consequences. China imposed sanctions on Taiwan on the 3rd, conducted military exercises encircling Taiwan from the 4th to 7th, and has since expanded its military presence in the area.
What did America get from it?
Nothing…as far as we know.
The 6 members of Congress thought it was worth it. It will be interesting to know why. I waited for the truth to come out about Ukraine. Eight months later we see it. Be patient, dear Saints. Pray wisely according to the Spirit of Truth and not according to the media’s narrative!
And now today we know, because of Republicans actually, that Ukraine is sitting on one of the largest Lithium deposits in the world.
Israel is at war with Hamas and Zelensky recently made the threat that Ukraine had better not get any less than Israel. In fact, we are now withholding weapons promised to Israel, while we poke at Putin by giving guided missiles to Ukraine.
Joe Biden has stepped down from the 2024 election and suddenly Zelensky wants to talk peace with Russia. I will bet he does.
What is wrong with this picture?